Technically Speaking: Motional’s Imaging Radar Architecture Paves the Road for Major Improvements
By rethinking system architecture and using machine learning to analyze and process previously discarded low-level radar data, Motional is working on dramatically enhancing radar performance to the point that it rivals the point clouds produced by lidar.

Technically Speaking: Improving Multi-task Agent Behavior Prediction
Motional's PredictNet approach to prediction uses machine learning principles and a multi-task learning architecture to more accurately predict the future behaviors of surrounding agents.

International Teams Advance AV Research in 2023 nuPlan Challenge
Teams from around the world competed in Motional's 2023 nuPlan Challenge, which helped research into advanced autonomous driving planners.

Technically Speaking: How Continuous Fuzzing Secures Software While Increasing Developer Productivity
Motional uses continuous fuzzing to make sure that our software is as safe and secure as possible before deploying it – or if there is a glitch, that the system can handle it gracefully.

Minds of Motional: Pat Karnchanachari
Pat Karnchanachari, a Senior Engineer with Motional and our nuPlan™ Team Lead, talks about why he loves working in the AV space, his favorite project, and how he decompresses.

Technically Speaking: Improving AV Perception Through Transformative Machine Learning
Transformer Neural Networks are receiving increased attention about how they can improve AI-driven technology. Our latest Technically Speaking blog explores how Motional has been using Transformers to make our perception function better.

Technically Speaking: Using Machine Learning to Map Roadways Faster
Motional's latest Technically Speaking blog explains how we're using machine learning to speed up the process of mapping public roadways prior to launching commercial passenger service.

Careers in High-Gear: Motional managers discuss upward climb
Motional employees share how they grew their careers within the company, from entry-level roles to leading teams building the future of mobility.

Technically Speaking: Closing The Loop To Travel Back And Help AVs Plan Better
Motional's latest Technically Speaking blog focuses on Planning, and how using closed-loop training will help refine the modeling AVs use to create a safe path forward quicker.

Winning Together: Motional's Publicly Released AVCDL Kickstarts Building Security Into AV Products
Motional is making its Autonomous Vehicle Cybersecurity Development Lifecycle (AVCDL) publicly available for others to review and adopt, in order to help the industry secure against cybersecurity threats.

Motional Opens New Singapore Operations Facility, Expands International Testing
Motional recently completed a multi-million dollar expansion project that doubled the amount of office and garage space located in the heart of Singapore’s high-tech district, growing the company's R&D and Operations footprint in the country

Technically Speaking: Predicting the future in real time for safer autonomous driving
Motional uses multi-modal prediction models to more accurately predict and anticipate what agents around our AVs are going to do next.

Technically Speaking: Auto-labeling With Offline Perception
Motional is building a world-class offline perception system that will automatically label the data required to train our next-generation vehicles.